Tooth Implant Frequently Answered Questions

Tooth Implant Frequently Answered Questions

Tooth Implants can be an excellent, long lasting solution for both women and men who have broken damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. The treatment can result in a natural, beautiful smile, but there are many steps involved when getting patients to this stage. This is why it is recommended that patients find out all there is to know about Tooth Implantation before undergoing treatment.

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Tooth Implants.

What exactly is Tooth Implants?

Implants are titanium-based posts designed to be placed in the jawbone. They then act as a tooth’s root. Tooth Implants effectively provide support for crowns, fixed bridges or dentures. Titanium is a strong and lightweight material. It is used specifically in implants because of its capacity to connect with bone, creating long lasting support.

What is the advantage over other types of tooth replacement?

Traditional dental prosthetics such as crowns, bridges and dentures give patients adequate tooth replacement. However, implants offer patients stable, long-lasting support. Patients can eat and talk comfortably because they are equipped with solid support. Implants are not dependent on the support provided by surrounding teeth, and patients notice improvements in their oral health.

Are all candidates for Tooth Implants?

Patients aren’t automatically qualified for Tooth Implants just because they have missing teeth. There are specific criteria that must be considered and fulfilled before a patient can be considered for implantation, including:

Your overall oral health. The overall health of a person’s mouth particularly the health of their remaining teeth and gums must be in good shape for Tooth Implants to be successful. Gum disease, damaged teeth or decay of the teeth, if they are present, should be taken care of before implantation treatments can begin.

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Dental health maintenance. Maintaining oral health following treatment is a different issue. The success rate is contingent on the ability of the patient to maintain their gums and teeth clean post treatment. A recommended cleaning schedule is provided by your dentist. Additionally, he or she will advise you on the best way to care for your newly placed implants.

Quality and quantity of bone. Implant success ultimately relies on the quantity and quality of bone within the jaw. Without sufficient bone around implant placement could be difficult. Patients who lack enough bone can utilize a variety of techniques ways to boost their bone health to ensure a successful placement of implants.

Are there any age limitations for Tooth Implants

The exact age for Tooth Implants isn’t feasible since every person’s rate of bone growth will be different. Implants are put into the jawbone in the course of treatment. Age is not an issue in bone growth. Youngsters and adolescents are not the ideal candidates for treatment since their bones are growing and forming. Implants could be compromised due to an increase in bone density surrounding the implant. Your dentist might recommend that implants are not placed until the procedure is completed.

Are implants guaranteed? What is their success rate?

Implants are not guaranteed however, this dental procedure has been extensively tested, and patients have experienced 90% success in between 5 and 10 years. Implants have been shown to last for over 30 years. Maintenance may be required at times, but when patients follow recommendations for post-implant care, they are likely to experience long-term success.

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Do I have any issues?

Dental Implants are a surgical procedure that could be dangerous. But, these risks are very rare and are manageable. Patients are often faced with implant failure or injury to their adjacent teeth. But, this chance of failure can be significantly diminished by planning your treatment carefully.

Implants that fail in a matter of minutes tend to be due to an infections or a deficient bone structure. If the site heals for some time (mostly a few months), the implant can be reinserted successfully. Patients might also experience failure within a few years of initial good results. Implant failure can occur when there is too much stress on the implant or there are not enough implants. It is most common in patients who want to lower their costs. The risk is reduced through the use of the appropriate treatments.

Perimplantitis, a different condition which can develop in the course of Tooth Implantation, is also a possibility. This is a similar condition to gum disease (periodontitis) and involves inflammation of the gums, as well as progressive loss of bone at the implant site. It is easily avoided by daily brushing, regular cleaning of the implant and regular dental visits.