Before Viagra The Challenge of Male Sexual Dysfunction

Before the advent of drugs for erectile Male Sexual Dysfunction , most men had an unpleasant experience with sexual sex. They couldn’t please themselves or their loved ones. With aging comes another problem; most older men struggle to maintain an erection. Mental disorders, stress and prostatectomies may also contribute to this issue; nerve and blood circulation impairment is well known to lead to issues with erections as well.

Sexual dysfunction affects 30 million men in America and millions more around the world, with estimates suggesting that 40% are affected by one form or another of dysfunction.

What are the ethical repercussions of taking an erection-related medication?

Pfizer hired me as a consultant in 1998 to provide ethical guidance regarding the development of Viagra from clinical trials until FDA approval. They understood the potential ethical ramifications that could arise if people misused this new impotence drug. Pfizer understood there were risks that Viagra may be misused for purposes not intended; they knew it may even be taken by those without need for it. They wanted people aware that Viagra was intended to treat erectile dysfunction caused by lack of blood flow – this issue can arise due to emotional issues or smoking cigarettes or drinking too much.

Men can easily consume large doses of the medication, particularly those who were not taking it at first. Unfortunately, these high dosages were linked to adverse effects like vision impairment. Pfizer addressed this problem through education packaging, marketing and packaging. In addition to the typical informational insert included in every package, bubble-wrapped dosages made it obvious what the recommended dosage should be; this information was also included in all materials given to doctors. Furthermore, Pfizer salespeople were educated on proper dosages, their effectiveness and potential risks associated with taking more doses.

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Advertisement as a Sexually-Oriented Drug: The Potential Risks

At that time, Pfizer faced an ethical quandary: could they ensure Viagra was only sold as a medication to treat erectile dysfunction and not an aphrodisiac or performance enhancer. They couldn’t resist making promises about Viagra–that women and young men could benefit from it–that were not in line with its actual therapeutic function. Ads would suggest men could solve their sexual issues through pills; that taking this drug would make anyone into an ultimate sexual superhero.

Due to the majority of men not discussing sexual issues with their doctors or any other individuals, the company chose to market directly to consumers. Doctors tend not to be interested in discussing patients’ personal lives either. Marketing and advertising initially targeted older men in Male Sexual Dysfunction relationships. This group is the most likely to purchase the drug and is also least controversial for businesses looking to avoid backlash from conservatives. The initial major direct-to-consumer ads for Viagra featured an older couple dancing. It was evident that the man wore an engagement ring, conveying that this drug is intended for married men with erectile problems rather than performance enhancers or aphrodisiacs. Viagra allowed massive direct-to-consumer marketing, which could have been beneficial given the social stigma attached to impotence; however, it’s not advised today.

Viagra’s Social Value

Many Americans still feel awkward discussing sexual relations. Federal funds cannot be allocated for research into teenage sexual behaviour, and sexuality as a topic within academia was taboo for decades. However, insurance often doesn’t cover other treatments for sexual dysfunction associated with sex such as infertility care or psychological counseling. Before the invention of Viagra, few Male Sexual Dysfunction discussed their sexual issues with anyone – not even their doctor. Without access to an essential part of life like Viagra, many ended up with unhappy partners. Given this dire state of American medical practices regarding sexuality, I was eager to support efforts to develop an effective drug that could provide relief for men dealing with this serious issue.

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Research has demonstrated that older individuals still value sexuality and consider it essential to their psychological wellbeing. Although efforts have been made to incorporate sex into regular medical treatments, maintaining sexual health and satisfaction remains an ongoing challenge. Although some medical practices have shifted toward “diseasemongering”, patients must still receive appropriate treatments for the actual issue of sexual dysfunction.